Neck Pain Relief at The Harte of Chiropractic
The Common Approach
When most people get neck pain, it’s not the first time… usually far from the first time. Sometimes the pain goes down one or both arms. Sometimes it is numbness or tingling down the arms, into the hands and fingers, sometimes even effecting your ability to grip things. And sometimes, headaches are involved. Often, with neck pain you get insomnia, anxiety, dizziness, chronic fatigue or thyroid disorders. It’s all the nervous system!
Most people begin with an over-the-counter remedy like Advil, Tylenol or Aleve. Then, they start taking more, more often. When that doesn’t work, you see your primary care provider, who might prescribe an anti-inflammatory like Celebrex or Naprosyn, or an anti-depressant like Cymbalta. Come back again, and he or she may refer you to the orthopedist, who may order an CT scan, or an MRI, or both, give you a fancier diagnosis, and prescribe some new drugs. When that doesn’t work, you will have the discussion with him or her, about whether you are “a good candidate for surgery.”
Neck surgery is always dangerous, far more than low back surgery, and often results in increased pain and disability. It always results in more serious Vertebral Subluxation Complex (VSC), some of which will be permanent. Even when the surgery appears to have “worked” (pain relief), the VSC remains, the problem remains, leaving you at risk for Subluxation Degeneration, dis-ease, and actual disease, from annoying to life-threatening.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are any of these drugs, or the over-the-counter drugs, safe?
I tried chiropractic, but it didn’t work. Why?
I’ve already had neck surgery. Can I still get adjusted? Can I still get better?
I have arthritis in my neck. Can I still be helped by Chiropractic?
The Real Chiropractic Approach
Gentle, scientific, specific chiropractic adjustments deals with CAUSE. Neck pain is not treated here. Nothing is treated here. The intention is to correct Vertebral Subluxation Complex (VSC), allowing your body to heal. Your neck will function better when subluxations are corrected. Pain relief is just a nice side effect. So, what do you get? Not merely pain relief… you get healthy.
Call me now at (415) 460-6527. Or, get to know me better, first.